Springtime is the ideal time of year for thorough cleaning, whether it is for the inside of the house, or the outside. And maintaining the fence is one of the key responsibilities as a homeowner. You should be maintaining your gates and fences regularly, in order to keep them looking good, and prolong their lifespans. It’s a good idea to follow these maintenance tips below in order to ensure the proper appearance and efficiency of your home’s fence.
Apply Wax Coating
If you have wrought iron fences, and they are regularly exposed to humidity, rain and the elements can lead to rusting on their surfaces. It is important to take the necessary steps in order to prevent such kind of damage. Applying a coat of wax as a protective barrier for your iron fence can help to prevent any rusting problems. You may also use a tarp to cover the fence during wet seasons, as well. You should also consider applying a wax sealant on any fences that located close to a swimming pool as well, as it can develop rust rather quickly.
Clean the Fence
To clean your fence, use a combination of mild dish soap detergent, and warm water to clean up any soiled spots of the iron fence. Use an old toothbrush to gently scrub off any rust and dirt that have accumulated, and use clean water to rinse when done. This step will completely dry out the iron fencing, allowing for preparation of a wax coat application. Once you have cleaned the fence, it will start look amazing, and you’ll be able to detect any potential issues much easier.
Paint the Fence
You can also opt to paint your gate and fence during the spring season, as well. This will make it look cleaner, and enhance its overall aesthetic value, and help to save it from any potential damages. Paint can serve as a protective barrier between against the elements, and will help to reduce the oxidation of your fence. This will also help to reduce the risks of any rust development.
Repair Any Bent or Damaged Spots
If your fence has been previously damaged or bent due to accidents which have taken place in the past, now is the time to get it fixed. You can use a blowtorch, and heat the sections of the fence which have become bent, and hammer them back into their proper placement or position. You should always exercise extreme precautions when working with these types of tools. Otherwise, it may be a better option to call a professional to assist in the repairs of any damages to the fence.
Remove Any Rust
Thoroughly inspect the fence to check for any of sections in which your iron fence may have already begun to rust. If there are any such spots visible, take the necessary steps to reduce damage. You can use a steel wool scrubbing pad, or a piece of sandpaper to scrub away any rust. Next, apply a protective wax to prevent any further corrosion. However, a severely rusted fence many need the assistance of a licensed professional.
If you would like more information about springtime maintenance for your iron fence, please feel free to contact us today at: (801) 820-0419.