Protecting your garden from your children and pets can be challenging. Using a decorative fence around the garden can keep your plants from being trampled. It can also enhance the overall décor of your home. The right fence will also help to ward off issues with rodents and other pests that can destroy plants. If you need fencing in Layton, compare prices with several companies until you find one that meets your budget needs. Here are some tips you need to remember when selecting or maintaining an existing fence.
Tip # 1: Safety
When installing a fence, always take the appropriate safety steps. It is important to be careful about installing a fence that incudes spikes. A fence with spikes can work well for security needs, but they can be hazardous to your loved ones. If you want to include a fence that offers security, choose a wood fence. The other option you can choose is a chain-link fence. Add some climbing roses to the fence to give it some extra protection and security.
Tip # 2: Decorative
A fence is not only meant to protect your plants, it is used as a decorative element in the yard. There are so many different fencing options available, that it is easy to find a fence you know you will like. A fencing expert can show you several different options, and can help you choose one that will enhance the appeal of your yard. Bamboo fencing has become quite popular for its decorative element. It also works well to support plants that need something to grow with. A shrub or rose bush can lean against the fencing, making it easier for the plant to grow up properly.
Tip # 3: Sunlight
One of the concerns a homeowner should have when choosing a fence is the amount of sunlight it will allow. A garden needs plenty of sunlight for the plants to effectively grow. If you choose a vinyl or wood fence, your plants will be shielded from the sun. These fences may look nice, but the lack of sunlight to the garden will ruin the plants. Consider vinyl fencing with 2-3 inch spacing. This will give your garden a “white picket fence” look while allowing the sunlight to pass through. Vinyl is easy to clean as you simply need to spray it with water. Vinyl fencing will not break, crack, or become grimy like other fencing materials.